Josh, Gretchen, and I went to the Black Forest this weekend to go skiing for the day on Saturday. Not only was it a lot of fun, but I don't think we could have had any better weather. This sight is about 45 kilometers from the Alps so if the day is clear you can see the Alps from the top of the hill. And the day was gorgeous!! It was warmer than expected and the day was clear. There were some rumors that it would be raining but not a raindrop did fall the whole day.
Since I took a 10 year hiatus from skiing before I went once last year, I was also happy that this hill had some nice long easier runs. We skiied for the entire day minus a lunch break for bratwurst and beer and as stated earlier everyone had a hoot of a time.

I have decided that I am going to do various 30 day challenges while I am here. The first one is that for the next 30 days I am going to run at least one mile. I set this as my first goal just to make sure that I run everyday. I have successfully completed this task for the past eight days so it is now at the part where it is fun to make sure I complete at least one mile. Since we left the base at 5 am yesterday and were expected to return at 10 pm, I knew I had to get it in beforehand so I got up at 330 and ran a mile. It was sorta fun because I saw some other people running too BUT they were running back from the bar. I have actually been running around 2 to 4 miles each day along wtih circuit training activities, but I figured if I just set a goal to get me to the gym each day for my first 30 day challenge.
I am also trying to convince Gretch and Josh to become certified in scuba diving with me. You can do it through a local place close to Baumholder and then take trips to Croatia or Malta. I do have a small fear of open water but I have decided that I would like to scuba dive. Gretch has a bigger fear of open water sea creatures, but I think we might both put our fears behind us and do it.
Now it is time to watch some Olympic hockey. I watched the movie "Miracle" today. This was the first time that I have seen that movie in its entirity. I came back to the hotel to take a nap but ended up watching that movie instead. I cried!! I am not sure you are suppose to have that reaction but I think that movie has to also make grown men cry so I was okay with my tears.
My other new favorite pasttime is that I am addicted to a new webpage. One of Gretchen's coworkers, Danielle, told us about a website called www.steepandcheap.com. Every twenty minutes or so they have a brand new bargain on some outdoor gear. I just sit and watch my computer for the new bargain... it is like online window shopping. I haven't compulsively bought anything YET but I am sure that I will soon because the prices are amazing.
Hope everyone has a great end to their weekend!!!
PS I forgot to mention one important thing that I came to realize from our Saturday day of skiing. That is that kids here are trained at a young age to become rude and crabby. I am not kidding that we had to YELL and THROW ELBOWS at 6 year olds numerous times because they constantly were cutting in line at the ski lifts. There was a group of 6 of us that skiied together for the majority of the day. We would be all standing close to each other as we waited for the ski lift and these little german kids would just push through to cut in line EVERYTIME. And then everyone once and awhile you would have the kid that pushes through to then have the parent come through and say that is my child up there I have to get to them... UNBELIEVABLE!!! We all were shocked but at least that answered a lot of questions for me about where all this hostility and rudeness comes from.... they are taught from a young age to be aggressive.
ReplyDeleteSo Glad to read your adventures on the ski hill and I am not the least bit surprised on childhood behaviors...I would weigh in it is not exclusive to Germany. I am the only adult I know who has corrected behavior of "untrained" children in public places..I just figure I have a "Mommy Masters in Behavior Modification" and have every right to complain to parents. Okay.
ReplyDeleteBut YOUR ski trip sounds amazing and we did CC Island Lake yesterday...Boy Oh Boy I need to start the 30 day exercise too...but the last week in April, I and dad have been asked to cruise the Mediterranean. (Thought DROP THAT IN THERE CUZ NO ONE BUT YOU TWO WOULD READ THIS ...OR SO I AM HOPING. But I am still planning to show up this month after Meg gets her lease and stuff delivered. I am not telling Yo Yo. I will be missed I know...Ha Ha.