I have decided to list the things that I like and don't like about Germany so far (for equal opportunity blogging with the positive and the negative)!!! I figured this might be nice to go back to and read down the road after I get more settled that is why this blog is titled "First Impressions of Germany".
Things I Like
1. First and foremost... THE WINDOWS!!! Germans have the window situation figured out!!! The windows are big and they can be opened two ways. They can either be opened up and swung open and then you just have clear access to the outside... no screen!!! Or they can be tilted open. It is amazing. I actually love cooking in Gretch's kitchen because she has two big windows that you can open up and there is a lot of fresh air. After I got over the fear that a bird would fly right in since there is no screen, I have embraced the windows and love them. Moreover, German houses all have these built in blinds that roll down in the window and are metal. They are called rolladens. Therefore, they offer the option of a total blackout in any given room at any given time during any given day. They are on all German houses and everyone tells me that these blinds were put on German houses during WWII. I have included pictures of the windows so that all of you can see what I am talking about. The metal blinds and the big beautifulness of German windows.
2. I love that they say goodbye as "Tschus" but the way everyone says it, it sounds like "Cheers" And I like to think that everyone is saying Cheers to me as a leave places because it seems really friendly.
3. This next like is actually a shocker for me. As most of you know that know my sister she LOVES the grocery store. Absolutely thinks that any grocery store is the bees knees. I, on the other hand, usually don't really like grocery stores. But I think that I will like grocery stores here. I like the commissaries on base because they offer really cheap produce and the grocery stores off base are an adventure and so different in Germany that I actually enjoy going to them.
4. Windmills. There are windmills all around here and for some reason I think windmills are really pretty and I find it calming how they just gently circle in the wind.
5. I also like getting to hang out with Josh and Gretch (Now I should mention that Gretchen and Josh are not my fifth favorite thing about Germany and should take this opportunity to say all of these things are in no particular order). It is fun to be around them again and they are both really great people to help me become acquainted with all the good things about Germany since they have been here for a year. And I have enjoyed all the beers that they have had me try so far. I just got an email from Mary Jo Colvin and she informed me that if you drink enough German beer the Colvin family has found that you can actually start speaking fluent German immediately. So now I am excited for Gretchen, Josh, Mary, and Dave to get back from Rome so we can test this theory and see if it is true.
Things I love AND hate at the same time
1. The television broadcasting available on base because the commercials are army commercials. All of them have some moral message about what is right and what is wrong. But they also have trivia commercials where they give you clues about a US state or another country and you have to guess which state or country it is.. those are fun and I am bad at them so I am learning more about geography while I am here.
2. The radio. The radio stations are really scattered. But I do like that you never know what oldie but goodie you might here. Like for example, the other day I heard the JLo song "Jenny from the Block" right after Lionel Ritchie. So they definitely know how to mix it up.
3. The autobahn and driving. Now it is SORTA fun to drive on the autobahn and driving in Germany in general but there are also things I don't like. Actually, I think the only reason that this is in the neutral category and not in the category HATE IT WITH A PASSION is that my mom and dad were kind enough to give me their Garmin/navigation system before I left and it has been a LIFESAVER. I can't imagine navigating the streets and highways of Germany without it since I sometimes get lost with it :)
Things I don't like
1. I am still wondering if I am EVER going to get past the fact that I feel that Germans are yelling at me all the time. And this is true whether they are speaking to me in their native tongue or in English. It really does shut me down and I feel like a scolded puppy everytime I have an encounter :)
2. The seven hour time difference. It really does make it tougher to stay in touch with everyone in the states and I am saddened that you don't have the text messaging option. So I think that I have to get use to other ways to communicate than what I have been used to in the past.
I think that is about it for now. I will add to this list as more comes to mind.
You are so cute I want to rush over and hug you. You make me LOL and I am an LOL (little old lady. And now dad knows where his Garmin went.
ReplyDeleteMy assignment today is to find vegetable seeds for your garden in Germany.
ReplyDeleteDad would have to read my blog in order to find out where his Garmin went.. so I think we are safe for a little while. But the next time you see him tell him I really appreciate it :)