I haven't blogged lately because I have been in the transition state. I moved out of The Ruds (sorta) and am spending the nights in my new place. Here I don't have Internet. A matter of fact I don't have anything but a partially inflated air mattress and some rented cooking supplies. So I am really hoping my stuff gets here soon. I really just want to get settled. So this blog is being typed as I one finger beat up on my iPhone while laying on my half deflated air mattress.
I do also have to admit the other reason that I haven't blogged is I thought about retiring from my short blogging career after reading one of my friends (MLB Daddy of 2)most recent blog. I don't think there will ever be a better blog ever written but I guess movies were still made after Avatar and books still written after War and Peace. So I guess blogging must go on too. But I did want to take a moment to recognize blogging excellence.
Anyways as the title of this blog tells you I DID fight back with mixed results. I had to go back to the dreaded housing office because they rent you free appliances and I need a washing machine, dryer, and fridge. So I get ther and the mean man has not put anything in the computer even though it was two weeks since I had been there. So they look at me like I am crazy and again the first person to ever mess up this oh so simple of a process. So I had to go into another office where two German ladies informed me that I did everything wrong with my contract. It is seriously the WAY they say things ie "Did you even read this?". "why would you do it like this". And all of this is with a snicker. Now Gretchen had informed me that she wouldn't go to housing with
me because it works her up and I dint stand up for myself. Now I realize and acknowledge that I am not a master at "standing up" for myself but I like to think it is for two reasons 1 I try to pick my battles and 2 I do know once I get worked up it is not pretty. It is an intense influx of emotions. Just ask amanda b as she was left in the side if the road once because I was so worked up. But I digress.... Anyways so I decide I am going to fight back so I start telling them it is their job to help me and they have done eveything but that. That I did read the contract and I , along with everyone else besides them, understood what it meant. That I wasn't sure why they felt the need to make me feel like an idiot everytime I came in and I would be happy to fix the problems if they would tell me what I needed to do since I was in a foreign country.
I got so worked up in five seconds that I almost started to cry. I felt like I was in second grade all over again getting yelled at by Sister Kathleen Curtis for flipping off kindergarteners in the lunch room.
But then something amazing happened... THEY STARTED TO HELP ME. No more questions that implied stupidity, no more looks of disgust, and no more snickering German laughs.
But I am torn straight Natalie Imbruglia style about this response. It was nice to be helped and feel like we accomplished something but I am afraid it conditioned me to continue to get worked up. Hopefully I can control myself
As for the job I have an office. There ate rumors my actual equipment might not get here til June but I have borrowed PT equpment including a table so I should be good to go. I have to give an hour presentation in a few weeks to some other providers to explain what chiropractic is and what it does. That should be interesting.
And finally I am sorry for any typos. I typed all of this with one finger and I do have some serious finger fatguing going on. Hope all is well
Almost missed this one!
2 weeks ago
Good work sis! NEVER BACK DOWN! And good job typing all this on one finger.