This week did get off to a shakey start. There are just a lot of frustrations that come along with this whole life transition. And it is crazy how even when you go with the flow, it still is just crazy. BUT things have gotten much better so let's focus on the highs so that I don't vent for this whole blog entry.
First high. I have gotten to watch A LOT of curling this week. Dave Rud and I have watched many matches together and a few apart. And I am intrigued by this sport. I know this might be a weird thing I do but every Olympics I also think "What if there is a sport that you would naturally be talented at but you will never know because you have never tried it." Like for example, what if you had all the natural makings and ability to be an equestrian but you have never ridden a horse competitively, so you will never know. I have found that most people don't have this thought, but I do frequently in life. And I think curling is a great example of this. I am pretty sure SOMEONE reading this blog (aka 1 of my 10 followers :)) could have gone to the Olympics in curling but has never tried to throw a "stone" down an ice rink and hit a bullseye so you don't realize how good you would have/could have been. But curling does have all the makings of a great pasttime: strategy, precision, passion, head to head competition, and a great ab workout if you are a sweeper. So in conclusion, curling rules!
Another plus. I have booked my first trip. It is at the end of April but it will be a long weekend in Italy. I am really pumped for this. I hope to travel before that weekend but it is nice to get something on the books and the plane ticket was only 10 euros roundtrip.
It has also been a lot of fun to travel and hang out with Josh, Gretch, Mary, and Dave this week. I am pretty sure Tyson and Elsie are going to go through huge withdrawals once Dave leaves since he has spent a lot of time playing with them this week. The humans did venture to a place called Trier today. It is the oldest city in Germany so there is a cathedral, castle, and bath house and then a lot of modern shops. It was a nice day and Gretch and I bought our brother Greg an awesome birthday gift. I think it will be the best gift that he has EVER gotten.
Moreover, since I am on the subject of my older brother. He posted an article about Roger Ebert this week on his facebook page. For those of you that don't know who Roger Ebert is he is a famous film critic that used to be part of Siskel and Ebert before Siskel died. They pretty much coined the term "two thumbs up" or "two thumbs down." These two gentlemen were my brother's idols growing up. But whether or not you know who he is, I thought this article was very touching and well written so I thought I would share it on my blog. It is a MUST read.
In case you can't get to it by clicking the link, just google "Ebert Huffington Post"
We also went out to a German restaurant last night... IT WAS REALLY GOOD!!!! It is one of Josh's favorite and who knew you could get such great Greek food in Germany. Not only is it good food but it is also a great environment.
My favorite story of the week was that I had to go into the customs office this week to register my new rental car. The lady in the office is a German but she speaks fluent English. Half way through the process, she realized that she didn't have a pen to give me because the person before me had taken the pen, so she immediately voiced her disgust in that person and fiercely said "that bastard stole my pen." Now, I am trying to realize that even though many times Germans seem that they are angry, they might not really be that mad. So I tried to make some joke and cut the instant tension that she had created... I think i said something like "oh, I hate it when you can't find a pen." I guess I didn't understand at all what she was going on because she said "No, that person is a bastard. Those bastards are always stealing my pens and these are my pens." So I have now made it my goal to make sure that I never upset a German. If it comes down to a verbal battle, I am pretty sure he or she would win.
Tschus 4 now!
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