Life has a funny way of helping you out when you need a little distraction.
So there have been a lot of goodbyes lately. People are leaving this soon-to-be-ghost-town at a pretty fast pace. Just about as soon as you have gotten used to them coming back from deployment, they are right back out the door. I guess that is Army life. I have come to accept it-- for the most part.
Honestly, the only really hard part is that everyone that leaves here is excited to leave. No matter if they liked Germany or not, by the time it is their turn to say Tschus, they are ready to throw up deuces and move on. At first, I took this a little personal. I know change has to come and people have to come in and out of your life but I would like to think it is hard to leave me… at least a little bit. But people definitely do NOT leave his place kicking and screaming. They usually leave smiling and shaking their heads about what their life here has been like.

Anyways, I knew this dreaded time of end of March/beginning of April was coming.. Gretch and Josh were leaving and so was my good friend Roy. I was not sure how I was going to deal with it because I tried to focus on the positives and embrace the change but I also realized that life as I knew it in Germany was going to be way different.
I am not going to lie…. I am a very sensitive and slightly emotional person. Not everyone gets to see this side of me. Those that know me well know that wben I am happy, I am happy. But when I am sad, it is a full-blown production! We are not talking a type of dark depression or anything of that nature, we are just talking about a lot of feeling, tears, and self-reflection. I like to go through the emotion and move on. And maybe listen to sad music in the process.

So about a week before Josh and Gretch left, it hit me. And I think poor Josh got the brunt of it because he was stuck with two very sad and emotional girls. But I have to admit that he is the most amazing brother-in-law because he dealt with it as if he was very in tune to female emotions. I chalk this up to Gretchen molding him into a good husband and him growing up with two sisters (and maybe to the fact that he is just a completely legit human being- fairly close to self-actualization).
Since I started the build up about a week before they left, I got very nervous about how I was going to be when they actually did leave… this is where the unexpected life distraction came in.
The day before they left, I got a phone call from a couple that I am close to here that they needed someone to watch their three children because of an emergency. And I needed to start tomorrow (the day that Gretch and Josh left the country). I truly believe that one of the things about life is that we are suppose to help each other out and I like to fault on the side of good karma so I didn’t hesitate to take the three kids. Plus I secretly love hanging out with children and these three are pretty awesome.

So being thrown into motherhood, really made me realize a few things and I figured I would stop my long blog absence and reflect.
1. It is impossible to have three kids completely content with life at the same time. Impossible. If two are happy, one is sad. IF you get the one that is sad, happy, then it is usually at the expense of another one and then they are sad.
2. I love sport analogies. I feel that they really do a good job of summing up some of life’s little lessons. I heard one once while watching Wimbledon. The announcer, probably John McEnroe, said “the best time to break is right after you have been broken.” It has stuck with me because I feel like this is true in life too. The best triumphs in life usually come right after the worst heartaches. What I learned with kids is the best laughter, smiles, and unexpected joys usually come right after you think you can’t take anymore.
3. Who knew you had to plan for an additional hour and fifteen minutes in the morning to get three kids ready? And most of that time is just to allow for meltdowns because they are going to happen in the morning and they are going to be amazing meltdowns of catastrophic proportion.
4. People always ask me how I went to school full time and worked nights full time and got all my degrees. I now know how I did it… I didn’t have kids!!! Kids are unpredictable and you really can’t ever put yourself first. Right when you think you can and you can have some “me time”, one gets sick or encounters a life problem that is more dramatic than As the World Turns.
5. Sometimes kids want you to yell at them. This boggles my mind. Any attention is good attention and sometimes they have breakdowns and put on childhood productions just for the hug afterwards. This is incredibly frustrating for someone who hates conflict but really endearing for someone who also loves a good hug and cuddle session.

6. You have to say no. … all the time. You feel mean and cruel and super uncool but you have to. And kids will push the limits.
7. It is really hard for three kids to conceive why an adult of my age would not have a husband. And the only question they can think to ask that might have the answer to this question is “What is wrong with you Miss Meaghan that nobody would want to marry you?” Just for the record- we spent about three different evenings exploring this question and came to no conclusions.
8. They don’t even realize how cool they are. Alexa, is the 11 year old and the oldest, she was my sanity in the morning and we had fun morning times. We would get ready in the bathroom together and she would play her music. One of the songs on her ipod, I really liked. The first time she played it I said, “this is my jam. I love it.” After that, she would always play that song first and then smile at me. I loved that and it was the high point of my morning (and she probably didn't even think twice about it)
9. Kids are really simple but also incredibly complex at times. One of my favorite little moments was on Sunday. We had been watching movies all day so I told the kids we had to go on a walk and we ended up walking around Albessen for about an hour looking at the horses, llamas, chickens, and running the dogs on the nearby path. It was a pretty basic walk but as David, the six year old, was holding my hand he said something so simple but cute, “Miss Meaghan, this is just so much fun.”
10. The 6 year old also said another awesome thing. He was at my work because he was sick and I needed to work. He all of a sudden announced, “Miss Meaghan, I have to go poopy.” To which I said, “Do you need help with that?” (because this untrained quasi mom did not know if this was a task he was able to accomplish alone. And he said, “NO!! Pooping is easy!”
I know the people that do this parenthood thing on a daily basis probably have a lot more insight than I do, but I thought I would share some of the lessons and fun stories that I accumulated throughout the week.
I really did enjoy my time with the kids and will miss the chaotic awesomeness they brought to my life. But am thankful that they took my mind off of other things right when I needed it most.