So my older brother has always been able to do something that impresses me more than anything. He has been able to cut things out of his life… cold turkey and for good!!! A matter of fact, he has tried to mentor me into being able to just "cut the fat" and not look back. Sadly, I am not very good at it.
Besides being able to just drop things out of his life, he has also been able to remember crazy amounts of information and recall it at a drop of a dime. His mind is like a steel trap. So now that you guys envision this kid as a heartless Rain man, let me explain where I am going.
Greg used to be afraid that he was “addicted” to certain things; pop, spree candy, sweettarts, etc. So when he felt that he had become dependent on these things, he would just completely cut them out. NO CHEATING! NO GOING BACK! JUST GOODBYE! And the amazing thing is that he would remember the day. So if you asked him today, “Hey Greg, when did you last eat a Sweettart?” He would respond without hesitation, “November 13, 1994” and that was that. And you knew that was the last time the sweetness of that tarty candy did indeed hit his mouth.
I am not like this… I have no problem saying I need to cut back on something… but cold turkey goodbyes to things in my life, are just not my thing.
But I have decided that I am ready to do my first cold turkey cut… well, sorta. I have decided to cut something out of my life for at least 30 days and then see how it goes. For me, it is a step in the right direction
I have decided that I am going to deactivate my facebook account. I feel that I go on this social network and it makes me feel falsely connected to people back home. Instead of calling or emailing or having interactive conversations of some type, I just stalk people’s facebook pages. Then I look at pictures and read status updates and when I do talk to people on the phone, I already know what they have been doing. I just don’t think this is right. So I have decided that I am going to spend 30 days focusing on what I call old school communication; phone calls and emails... maybe even a few cards or hand written notes, who knows?
So I do think if I am going to do this; just do it. Don’t talk about doing it... but deactivate already. And I went through all the steps but the very last one today, and let me tell you why… this story makes me such a dork!
So I sent a private message to about twenty people from back home letting them know that I was going to do this and my main reason is that I wanted to focus on staying in touch with them more. They were the people that I followed on facebook and I wanted to talk to them, not stalk them. Then I went to deactivate my account and this is what happened:
1. Facebook gives you a downright guilt trip if you try to deactivate your account. After you tell them why you are making this silly decision, it brings you to a page that says, “Hattie Maria is going to miss you” and it shows a picture of you and her having a grand old time. “Missy is going to miss you” and sure enough I remember by a facebook photo we are both tagged in that we did have some great times. And “Dave is going to miss you” ...and shucks, I don’t know what to do because I didn't even think about what this would do to Dave. But I decide that I can just call all of these people and they will be fine without my facebook presence for a month or so. So I move on in the deactivation process.
2. I get to the final step. That step where you have to type in an encrypted code so facebook can make sure that someone somewhere is not just using a computer program to deactivate a lot of people’s accounts. And I am two letters… TWO LETTERS from finishing this and all of a sudden a game changing thought pops into my head… “My birthday is in 1 week and that is my favorite facebook day.” People from throughout your life feel the need to wish you a happy birthday because they are reminded via facebook that it is your bday. How sad because I seriously only didn’t deactivate today because I wanted to wait til after my birthday.
So I am still on facebook, but did send out another message to all those that I reached out to earlier and declared that I was leaving and said, “Operation Ditch Facebook will have to wait til after my birthday.”
Now I am sure that this has raised some questions for all of you, so I do want to address some FAQs:
Q. Why don’t you just not log onto your account for 30 days?
A. That goes against the whole Sweettart theory. If I know it is there, I will use it. I have to throw away the fat… I can’t cut it and just leave it on my plate. Plus the deciding factor in this decision has been WWGD (What Would Greg Do?)... he would deactivate.
Q. You are going to have to add all your friends again once you resign up for facebook?
A. Fret not, my friends. I have researched this and once you reactivate your account, it just comes back up like you never left. And during the steps of deactivation, facebook even lets you know this.
Q. Everyone that leaves, always comes back... so what will you really accomplish?
A. I am hoping to achieve some good phone call conversations this month, some interactive emails, and more blogging. I know I will probably be back on day 31, but I want to see if it does make a difference and I have thought about this for awhile.
Q. Why don’t you just defriend those people you don’t want in your life?
A. First of all, I have a strong belief that defriending people is extremely passive aggressive. My brother would be extremely angry at me for saying this because he thinks this is the ultimate way to cut the fat out of life and needed but it is just not me. Plus I don’t want to cut people out of my life, I just want to communicate in more meaningful ways with those that mean a lot to me. Second of all, I have been defriended three times (that I know of)... and each time has hurt A LOT because you get NOOOOO closure... NONE!
Q. Why don’t you just call people more and keep facebook?
A. I don’t know... this just seems more dramatic and fun.
So sorry Hattie, Missy, Dave and et al. if you do miss me, but I have made up my mind. But first, please let me enjoy a great facebook day on my bday!
Almost missed this one!
2 weeks ago