The title of this blog is the Gaelic phrase that is equivalent to saying "Cheers" whenever drinking whisky. I think the actual translation is "To Good Health." It is one of the many things I learned on the trip to Scotland this weekend.
The trip consisted of my friend Shannon and I. We had planned this trip awhile ago because one of the places that I really wanted to go and felt that I might want to go often was Scotland. So we booked the ticket a bit ago but we didn't really plan too much. We stayed at a hostel (both of our first experiences with a hostel). It was actually a dorm room at the University of Edinburgh. We did not think it was too bad but it was definitely a different experience.
It was a lot of fun to go this weekend because there was a lot of World Cup Soccer on and they really get into it over here. The first bar we went to was outside and there were big tvs playing the game. Now I learned a lot of things this weekend and here is what I learned at the first bar:
1. There are a lot of young gents in Scotland. When we went into this bar I think that we were the only females surrounded by about 500 men. And I am not kidding. It was very strange. Now I thought at first it had to do with the fact that it was a Friday afternoon and there was a sporting event on but as the weekend progressed, I noticed that the ratio continued to favor a larger portion males to females.
2. They are really into "Stag Parties" in Scotland... in the US we know these parties as Bachelor Parties but Shannon and I witnessed upwards of 10-12 of them throughout Edinburgh and the guys always dress funny. They were seriously everywhere... very weird because i am not sure where the parties were for the females marrying all of these lads.
3. If you are a girl in a bar and you accidentally drop your full beer at 330 in the afternoon, a lot of men will come talk to you... turns out men like clumsy! (And yes, I somehow managed to spill my entire first beer from a plastic pint glass in front of the 500 men and then just continued to stand in the puddle with a huge smile)
4. The Scotish do not like England. They feel connected to Wales and Ireland but for the most part do not like England because England acts like they are better than them.
5. If you are from the US and do something that someone doesn't like, they are quick to just say that you are a stupid American. It is much easier and more fun to just tell people that you are from Canada. I figure myself from Southern Canada, so I don't think it was too much of a fib.
6. EVERYONE over there is mad that they feel Obama is blaming them for the BP spill since it is "British" Petroleum. SERIOUSLY every person we met talked to us about this. It actually led to numerous awkwards talks. Here are two of them (you can see one went much better for me than the other).
Scene: Outdoor bar with the world cup game on and a group of men that had decided that Shannon and I were stupid Americans but fun to talk to.
Man 1: Do all of you think that the BP oil spill is our fault?
Me: I don't know what you mean?
Man 2: You do know about the BP spill, or do you just not care about the world because you are American?
Me: I am aware of the spill, but I don't know how it would be your fault?
Man 1: Obama said that it is our fault... do you agree with him?
Me: No, I don't think it is your fault. I think it is the companies fault that is not directly associated with any country.
(As I think to myself.. can't we talk about something a little bit lighter in nature)
Scene 2: Another bar later that night with live music. We had met two older Scotish men that were a lot of fun and very social. They believed that I was from Canada but knew that Shannon was from Philadelphia. Both of the men's names were Jimmy (very convenient).
Jimmy 1: I can't believe that all Americans believe that the BP oil spill is our fault.
Shannon: We don't all think that. Do you think it is America's fault?
Jimmy 2: Do you think it is Britain's fault?
Me: One thing I know for sure.. IT IS NOT CANADA's fault.
(Shannon, I, and the Jimmys then switch the subject to much lighter topics, go back to our beers, and enjoy the live Celtic music that is filling the air)
Besides meeting some great locals (I do believe that the majority of Scots are just happy people to the core) we also learned a lot during our trip. We went to a Whisky place were you got to learn all the different types of whiskeys and try the different regions of whisky and how they taste different. Shannon didn't like whisky but we were told that "there is a whisky for everybody" and she did actually find some that she could easily palate.
We also went to learn about the Loch Ness monster. Now I actually knew a fair amount about the loch ness monster since for awhile i did a lot of reading on it. Turns out that I have always liked the show Unsolved Mysteries and I like mysteries in general. I think that I have concluded that I do not think that it exists. But I would like to get back someday and go to the Highlands and see Loch Ness even though I was told by my sister "why go there, it is very unlikely that you will get to see the loch ness monster."
My other high point of the trip is a shout out to my mother. Now growing up my mother made us listen to Celtic music every once and awhile (when we weren't jamming to 50s and 60s music like purple people eater and chantilly lace) and all the Kirschling kids went to the movie "The Secret of Roan Inish" four times in the movie theater. Now I don't think that anyone else saw this movie because I know I didn't see anyone else in the movie theater any of the four times that we were there. But it is a movie about a folklore in Ireland. So anyways I feel semi connected to some of the Celtic ways. Well, it paid off in the bar last night when I led a large group of Scotish men to sing the song "What do you do with a drunken sailor." I think they thoroughly enjoyed it and I know I did. Sorry mom you couldn't be there, you would have enjoyed it immensely. I know there was also a song about "seed by seed row by row i am going to watch your garden grow" and "dancing with bears at the zoo" but I couldn't remember these songs and the Scots didn't know what I was talking about.
The other aspect of Scotland that I have to report on is HAGGIS. I have decided that I am really going to dive into the different places experiencing and learning about their food and drink. I think you can tell a lot about a place by the food and drink. I know some people get into the architecture here with the beautiful cathedrals, schlosses, burgs, castles, and towns but I think food and drink really is a great outlet for both what to expect from the places and the history. Haggis was described to us as ground up sheep intestines. They usually serve it over turnips and mashed potatos. Now I know haggis doesn't sound appetizing but it is REALLY good. It is not too powerful but has a lot of taste to it and it is a nice consistency. And it is usually served with a whisky sauce and paired nicely with a whisky drink. So even though it doesn't sound like a treat, it really is!
So overall, the trip to Scotland was so much fun. I am going to go back with my family at the end of August for the festival that they have there. I was actuallly surprised to find out this weekend that when we are there the Minnesota Orchestra will be playing. I thought that was ironic.
I have really had an enjoyable couple of weeks. I did venture home quickly the weekend before to see Josh and Gretch. It was a short trip and unfortunately I didn't get to see everybody because of the speed of it all. I travled 19 hours on Thursday and 14 hours on Sunday to be home Thursday night to Sunday morning. It took me all week to get back to a Europe pattern but I have realized that you know when you are around people you love that love you because you heart just feels good, your soul feels refreshed, and your waistline feels tighter. Good food and eating always goes hand and hand with good friends and good times (that is why I really want to learn more about the food and drinks of the different regions over here)
I will try to post pictures of Scotland soon.. I didn't actually get to take that many because my camera died half way through the trip. But the scenery of the castle and gardens in Edinburgh are gorgeous and I did take some great ones of the city.
Until next post... Slainte Mhath
1st of all, I agree about firends and family. It was so good to see you and I am glad you came home too. Your Scottish adventure sounds awesome. Quiet the odds with all the men. I am continuing to chuckle as I read your blogs. PS. great German conversation. You are getting so fluent. Love ya, MJ
ReplyDeleteAnd who ever said you were the less sensitive one!
ReplyDeleteI am posting the Drunken Sailor Song!
You are toooo funny Miss Meg. Really enjoyed the Scotland trip blog. Wish I could have seen all of you when you were home. I miss the Kirschling Kids.
ReplyDeletemost the time i only miss you a little bit, but this blog made me miss you a lot. classic meaghan line "I know its not canada's fault". holy cow, i love you! So glad to hear you so happy!!!