So I have debated for awhile on whether or not to post this blog because i am worried that it will come across as a bit pretentious, but then I decided that is what a blog is about anyways. Therefore, I am going to just go ahead and post it.
I recently read an article that was sent to me from my friend, Danielle, regarding all the truths that the writer has learned in life. I decided to sit down over the course of a few weeks and write out “my truths.” The things that I have learned over the past 31 years and what shapes my reality. I thought it was worth posting for others to comment on (please please please comment) and because I would like to have it so that I can go back sometime and reflect. Since this internet thing is probably going to stick around for a minute, I would like to come back to this blog in twenty years and reflect on the fact that I had no idea what life was about when I was 31 or that maybe I wasn’t so far off.
This entry is going to be a little bit long but I have spent a lot of time reflecting and observing things about life... Some of these lessons I have picked up because of things that have occurred in my life and some I have learned vicariously through other people. And as you can also see, some of the lessons/truths I have posted are from other people... things that have resonated with me. So these are some of the things that I have learned so far in my life.
When in doubt, fake it til you make it
Some people are not to be in you life forever- Let them go.
Some people should be in your life for the long haul and will add a lot, teach you many things, and challenge you- Let them in.
It is not natural for everyone to be in your life forever. Some people are just meant to be in it for a short period of time... we learn lessons from them and move on. Unfortunately, Facebook does not agree with this concept.. at. all.
People will take you for granted especially if you let them, but never demand attention or affection.
However, do something everyday to remind those people that matter to you that you are awesome even if they never realize what you did.
“If you can’t be with the one you live, love the one you are with”
Don’t let anyone be careless with you heart and don’t be reckless with someone else’s
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” -Gandhi
Not only is it true that “this, too, will pass” but no matter what you are going through, someone else has probably gone through it too. This is evident by the fact that people relate so well to songs. No matter what you are going through, you can find a song that sums up exactly how you feel.
The people that seek attention from others in life usually have something to hide
Always know your crowd whether you are telling a story or deciding what is important to others.
Some people are delusional and live a lie. Stay away from these people because you can’t change them or change their reality.
We never apologize for laughing or smiling, but we feel bad for crying even though it is just an emotion. Cry with vigor and then get over it. We also apologize for negative emotions but these emotions shape us and challenge us to grow. Be negative when needed and then grow and move on.
You grow the most from the hardest times. Someday you will look back at the hard times and be thankful for the struggles.
The right person can come into your life at the wrong time and they are still the wrong person
“There are so many people to love in your life, why do you worry about one?” Ben Harper
In life and business, I feel it is vital to act as if you are replaceable. It makes sure that you remember that you have to “show up” everyday in your life and work for what matters.
I think one of the big keys to really loving somebody is to believe and act every day as if they could get on without you but remind them everyday why they wouldn’t want to be without you.
Try to remove righteousness and entitlement from your life. Many gigantic crimes have occurred in the name of righteousness and entitlement takes away all accountability and need for hard work.
“People with things have the lowest self-esteem. The prettiest people do the ugliest things” -Kanye West
People are not going to change, so don’t try to change them. All you can do is change the way you think about people.
There is beauty in imperfection and there is comfort in mediocrity.
Nobody gets it right the first time, so don’t beat yourself up. Reflect on your mistakes, learn from life, and hope you get it right the next time.
Don’t be a victim of paralyzing thoughts.
I think you can learn the most from people above 50 and below 5 years of age.
Don’t give the best you have for work and colleagues and save the rest for your loved ones.
Don’t only surround yourself by people that are just like you. Respect and learn from people that are different from you. Admire people for their differences. Don’t try to change them and don’t let them try to change you.
Bob Dylan and Dr. Seuss have a pretty legit grasp on life. So does Ronnie James Kirschling
Accept gifts from others, especially mothers, because a lot of time it means so much to them to give you something
Compliment. Criticize. Compliment. -Barbara Kirschling
"He's not that into you" is really a stupid concept It gives all the power of wooing to the male and since when do they know what they really want anyways. Seriously.
Sometimes life gets so overwhelming that you have to ask for help aka go to therapy. Or in the words of Greg Kirschling, "Sometimes you have so much problems to talk about, it is only right to pay someone to listen to you."
Always accept compliments, learn from criticisms and build a circle of people that give both.
Without compliments, you won’t remember your worth.
Without criticism, you won’t strive to improve and will become delusional.
What really matters about people is how they act when nobody else is watching.
You don't have to agree 100% with someone or something to learn from others. Always listen fully and completely to what someone is saying.
Never trust anyone that is always in a good mood. Stay away from anyone that is always in a bad mood
Play lots of games with people, ask silly questions, and give hugs every once and awhile. Kids do these three things everyday and they seem pretty happy.
Almost missed this one!
2 weeks ago